Tiny Legs Tim (Tim De Graeve, °1978) is a finger-picking virtuoso and talented slide guitarist with an instantly recognizable voice. He's also a fine lyricist and a gifted songwriter with a strong feel for melody and clarity resulting into an ever-growing collection of personal compositions based on his eclectic love of blues and roots music.Tiny Legs T
Blues icoon, zanger gitarist Roland Van Campenhout en podium klepper Bart Buls samen met top saxofonist John Snauwaert op het podium van Café de Litanie!
Derek: lead vocal, guitar
Pim De Wolf: guitar, backing
Frederik Van den Berghe: drums, backing
Philippe De Vuyst: bass, backing
Genre: folk: Balfolk, Trad. Balkan/Slavic, Irish
Leden band
Adriaan Van Wonterghem: Guitar
Davy Cautaerts: Whistle and Octave Mandolin
Pavel Souvandjiev: Violin
Folk music with influences from the Irish and the Balkan cultures completed with our own touch and ideas.
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